If someone tells you or asks you about a movie made from atoms!! The first thing that comes to you would probably be , is that person crazy???? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
But now IBM has made this possible and has already made a very short movie with atoms!!!! YES, you read right it is true now.
IBM researchers have successfully made a movie called "A Boy And His Atom-The World's Smallest Movie". The researchers have made this movie using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope for moving the atoms for each frame. Now sit back and enjoy the movie:
The ability to move single atoms, one of the smallest particles of any element in the universe, is crucial to IBM's research in the field of atomic-scale memory. In 2012, IBM scientists announced the creation of the world's smallest magnetic memory bit, made of just 12 atoms. This breakthrough could transform computing by providing the world with devices that have access to unpredictable data storage. This movie has been verified by Guinness World Records™ as The World’s Smallest Stop-Motion Film.
Lets have a look at its making: